Shipping & Delivery

-Where can I track my item(s)?

Most items are sent tracked. You should receive your tracking information once your order has been dispatched. Please contact us if you have not received it.

-Why have I not received my item(s)?

Shipping may take anywhere between 10-30 working days or even longer, depending on your location and the opening hours of your local post office.

**Note: The Item Guarantee Period (IGP) lasts 50 business days and the buyer is eligible for a reshipment of order made should they have yet to receive anything by then.

***The IGP is effective on the date of you receiving your shipping confirmation email

-Who delivers my item(s)?

Your items are delivered by our fulfillment center and will usually reach you via your local postal service in your location.

-What time are deliveries usually made?

Items are delivered depending on the local postal system and are usually during business hours/weekday. (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm)

-What happens if no one is at home?

Not to worry, most of our items will be left in your postbox if they are small enough and if the postman does not have access to your postbox, it will usually be left at your local post office for you to pick up!

-Where do you ship from?

We currently ship from our warehouse from Asia hence why sometimes our items take a little longer to reach you.

-I messed up my delivery address, what do I do?

Not to worry, as long as you reach out to us immediately regarding the error in your address, we would be more than happy to change it for you. Just email us your full, correct address along with your order number and we would update your details for you.

**Note: Upon completion of purchase, buyers are eligible for a 2 hour Change of Mind Period and it is crucial that you reach out to us then or else we will not be able to make any changes to your order!

-What about my billing address?

Billing addresses are currently non editable to prevent and minimize fraud from happening. Please note that all details entered and submitted to us are final.

-Change of address after receiving confirmation of shipping

Under our terms & conditions, once an order has been sent out from our warehouse, any changes to the order cannot be made and is the sole responsibility of the buyer.